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The Education Feature Article


In his essay on Education for Self Reliance (March, 1967), Mwalimu Julius Nyerere (President of Tanzania, 1964-1985) wisely stated:

"But we have never really stopped to consider why we want education, what its purpose is......The educational systems in different kinds of societies in the world have been, and are, very different in organization and in content. They are different because the societies providing the education are different, and because education, whether it be formal or informal, has a purpose. That purpose is to transmit from one generation to the next the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of the society, and to prepare the young people for their future membership of the society and their active participation in its maintenance or development. This is true, explicitly or implicitly, for all societies..."

And indeed - while most would acknowledge education as one of the most important investments in Africa's future, many who spend their time working with the sector would also acknowledge the complex and changing perspectives and prospects for education and learning in relation to the global environment, and unfolding objectives and challenges of African development (locally, nationally, regionally, globally).

In this month's Feature, ForesightForDevelopment takes stock of foresight knowledge resources in the field of education and learning.

As usual, we invite you to read, comment, contribute, act.

We wish you all Happy New Year, and all good things for 2012!



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