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Artificial Intelligence


Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Artificial Intelligence


The Future of Artificial Intelligence - Nobel Week Dialogue

The fourth Nobel Week Dialogue event was held in Svenska Mässan in Gothenburg and every single seat was filled with a record number of more than 1500 participants. 'The Future of Intelligence' was theme, exploring scientific and cultural perspectives on intelligence.


Professor Stuart Russell - The Long-Term Future of (Artificial) Intelligence
The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk is delighted to host Professor Stuart J. Russell (University of California, Berkeley) for a public lecture on Friday 15th May 2015.


Future of Artificial Intelligence and the Human Race | Stuart Russell | TEDxYouth@EB
What is artificial intelligence (AI)? How do robots work? Will robots deliver an economic paradise, kill us all, or both?


Artificial intelligence: Machines on the rise, A/Prof James Curran
Speaking, natural-sounding machines which can interact with humans using normal conversational patterns are still in the realm of science.


AI, Transhumanism, Merging with Superintelligence + Singularity Explained
Artificial Intelligence, the possibility of merging consciousness with computers, and singularity are discussed in this mind expanding conversation with Dr. Susan Schneider. Are we prepared to face the implications of the success of our own technological innovations? Is the universe teeming with postbiological super Artificial Intelligence? Can silicon based entities bond with carbon based lifeforms? Explore the philosophical questions of superintelligence on the Antidote, hosted by Michael Parker.


The future of robots and artificial intelligence
David Pogue of Yahoo Tech explores advances in robotics and AI (or artificial intelligence) at the recent DARPA Robotics Challenge; and talks with director Alex Garland, whose new film, "Ex Machina," features a sentient robot.


Future Military Robots
Warfare is going through its most significant change in human history. This is an in-depth look at how robotics is increasingly preventing soldiers from rich nations from dying in battle.


Artificial intelligence & the future of education systems | Bernhard Schindlholzer | TEDxFHKufstein
Dr. Bernhard Schindlholzer is a technology manager working on Machine Learning and E-commerce. In this talk he gave at TEDx FHKufstein, Bernhard Schindlholzer contemplated the implications of ephemeralization - the ability of technological advancement to do "more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing" - through artificial intelligence and machine learning. He explores the challenges that this technological approach poses to our economy and, furthermore, how they could be addressed by questioning established norms of our education systems.


Davos 2016 - The State of Artificial Intelligence
How close are technologies to simulating or overtaking human intelligence and what are the implications for industry and society?


Future AI Robot Technology | The Next Generation Robot
This video is about future robot technology. It is expected that future robot would have Artificial Intelligence. It is the next generation robotics technology.


Future Technologies of 2020
2020 is only a few years away and yet it’s a nice round number to use as a milestone from which to judge the progress of technology in the 21st Century.


Robot Reality: How Robots will Change the World - Future of Robots!
Will robots change our lives in the future? It's a funny question to ask when they're changing our lives now in so many ways and they have been for years. From the first time you saw a toaster pop up by itself, we've casually accepted that machines can be trusted to do things for us.


Future Robotics Technology (Full Documentary)
Though robotics seems the technology of the future, it actually has its roots in ancient history. The study and field of robotics can be traced back to approximately 300 B.C. in Ancient China. The Muslim inventor Al-Jazari is credited with inventing a humanoid robot in 1206. By the 20th century, the field of robotics was one that held great fascination and offered virtually limitless possibilities. As technology began to focus on the development of computers, so too did the study of robotics continue to move forward. The 60s was a time that both computers and robotics saw great advancement. In 1961, the first industrial robot was used at the General Motors plant. By the 21st century, the automotive industry and manufacturing plants saw widespread use of robots for commercial production.


Future Technology of Robots and self-driving cars
Future Technology of Robots and self-driving cars


The Future of Sex: Robots and Virtual Reality
Sex and relationship expert Dr. Laura Berman tells WSJ’s Tanya Rivero that the future of sex includes robots, virtual reality and drugs to address women’s sexual function. Photo: Ryan Etter for The Wall Street Journal.


Military robots and the future of war-TED Talks
Military robots and the future of war-TED Talks


Andrew McAfee: Are droids taking our jobs?
Robots and algorithms are getting good at jobs like building cars, writing articles, translating -- jobs that once required a human. So what will we humans do for work? Andrew McAfee walks through recent labor data to say: We ain't seen nothing yet. But then he steps back to look at big history, and comes up with a surprising and even thrilling view of what comes next.


Artificial Intelligence and the future | André LeBlanc | TEDxMoncton
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In his talk, Andre will explain the current and future impacts of Artificial Intelligence on industry, science, and how it will benefit and accelerate human progress.


Artificial intelligence: dream or nightmare? | Stefan Wess | TEDxZurich
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a huge dream and vision for all mankind, and makes up a major part of most popular science fiction.


The long-term future of AI (and what we can do about it): Daniel Dewey at TEDxVienna
Daniel Dewey is a research fellow in the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford. His research includes paths and timelines to machine superintelligence, the possibility of intelligence explosion, and the strategic and technical challenges arising from these possibilities. Previously, Daniel worked as a software engineer at Google, did research at Intel Research Pittsburgh, and studied computer science and philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also a research associate at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute.


Our Post-Human Future | David Simpson | TEDxSantoDomingo
-In 15 years the human specie is going to develop super human level machine intelligence
-What it means to be Super-Human?
-The country with Artificial Intelligence will be the country on top


Not If, But How Artificial Intelligence Might Take Over the World | Hugh Baillie | TEDxISKL
Hugh Baillie, a technologically-driven student at the International School of Kuala Lumpur, explores Artificial Intelligence and the greater impact it may have on our life.


The Next Great Era: Envisioning A Robot Society: Robin Hanson at TEDxTallinn
Robin Hanson is a Professor of Economics at the George Mason University in the US and a researcher at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University. He is an expert on prediction markets and the social implications of future technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence and nano-technology and their influence on the economy and society. Politically he supports futarchy -- a society where policy decisions are made based on open prediction markets.


Future Robots: Advanced Robotics Can Change Human Future (Full Documentary) HD
In this future technology video, we are going to show the Future Robots, the advanced futuristic robots which will change our future. When you watch this mind blowing future robotics documentary, you will know that humanoid robots will be available in the very near future. Apart from that, advanced robotics will help humans in plenty of ways including medicine, bone restructuring, etc. The advanced robotics technology which is available right now will be evolved into more advanced future robotic technology and using it humanoid robots, autonomous robots, intelligent robots, etc., will be created and all will be having Artificial Intelligence.


The Robots Technology - Documentary Films
A robot is a mechanical or virtual synthetic representative, generally an electro-mechanical device that is directed by a computer system program or electronic circuitry. Robotics can be independent or semi-autonomous and variety from humanoids such as Honda's Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO) and TOSY's TOSY Ping Pong Playing Robot (TOPIO) to industrial robotics, jointly set throng robotics, as well as tiny nano robotics. By simulating a realistic look or automating motions, a robotic might communicate a sense of knowledge or idea of its own.


Will Intelligent Robots Overtake Humans by 2100? [Full Documentary]
Will Intelligent Robots Overtake Humans by 2100? [Full Documentary]


Next Future Military Terminator | Real (New military robot Army)
Next Future Military Terminator | Real (New military robot Army)


Incredible Robots - Rise of the Machines
Incredible Robots - Rise of the Machines


Building Gods Documentary - Transhumanism Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology
This film by Ken Gumbs tackles the issue of pending greater-than-human artificial intelligence and the possible ramifications. Different individuals with different backgrounds are interviewed on the subject, including a theologian, a philosopher, a brain builder and a cyborg. A wide spectrum of topics are discussed, including trans-humanism, mind-machine mergers, uploading, and artificial super-intelligence.


The Future of Artificial Intelligence - Up Next
Back in the 1990s, Jeffrey Hawkins became both rich and famous when he invented the Palm Pilot—a device that in no small way ushered in a whole new era of mobile computing. These days, though, he’s on a far more ambitious mission. His goal: to build a machine that can think and reason on its own by mimicking the workings of the human brain. In this edition of Up Next, Hawkins opines on the both risks and rewards of artificial intelligence. Series: "Up Next: Perspectives on the Future of Everything"


Rise of the Robots: What skills will we need in the future economy and how do we get them?
Time and again -- from the spinning wheel to the steam engine -- technology has had disruptive implications for the workforce and the skills they require. Today it is not just manual jobs that stand to be transformed or replaced by machines: computers and robots are increasingly threatening to take over white collar work too, from accounting to translation, and from logistics to financial services.


Max Tegmark—The Future of Life with AI (and Other Powerful Technologies)
Prof. Max Tegmark will explore how we humans have repeatedly underestimated not only the size of our cosmos (and hence our future opportunities), but also the power of our humans minds to understand it and develop technologies with the power to enrich or extinguish humanity.


"Artificial Intelligence in the Future" with Max Tegmark, Nobel laureate Mark Levitt & others
Max Tegmark professor of physics och cosmology, Harry Shum, executive vice president of Microsoft's Technology and Research group, Stuart Russell, professor in computer science, Barbara Grosz, professor in Natural Sciences & Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry 2013.


Artificial Intelligence: The Risks Could Outweigh the Rewards
Artificial Intelligence: The Risks Could Outweigh the Rewards


Bart Selman, " The Future of AI: Benefits and Risks"
The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is accelerating. A range of transformative innovations now appear likely within the next decade, including self-driving cars, real-time speech-to-speech translation, fully automated image recognition, and autonomous robots. These technologies will have a substantial level of both autonomy and intelligence. This seminar series considers this issue from a range of perspectives, including machine ethics (Should an autonomous vehicle swerve to save several people at the cost of endangering the life of its passenger?), human labor and employment (Will AI systems cause massive unemployment?), autonomous decision-making (Will an AI decide if you get a loan? Or get an operation?), as well as concerns about the potential emergence of superhuman intelligence (Will a super-AI work for our benefit?).


Sam Harris TED Talk: Can We Build AI Without Losing Control Over It?
Sam Harris TED Talk: Can We Build AI Without Losing Control Over It?


Podcast: Concrete Problems in AI Safety with Dario Amodei and Seth Baum
Podcast: Concrete Problems in AI Safety with Dario Amodei and Seth Baum


Podcast: The risks and rewards of artificial intelligence
Podcast: The risks and rewards of artificial intelligence


Podcast: Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Podcast: Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence


The Future of AI: Benefits and Risks - CornellCast
The Future of AI: Benefits and Risks - CornellCast


Are Super Intelligent Computers Really A Threat to Humanity?
Listen in for a spirited discussion about the state of artificial intelligence, whether super intelligent computers will someday pose a threat to the human race, and how policymakers should respond to these ideas.


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