Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Future of Banking
The future of banking in Africa
Technology is playing an increasing role in the way financial services are delivered across the globe. So how will Africa’s banks measure up in the near future? Ricardo Dias Marques; Managing Director of West Africa’s Diebold Nixdorf joined CNBC Africa to discuss this.
Bank 4.0 and the Future of Financial Services
It is not enough to just import technologies like AI, blockchain or smartphones into existing financial services, says futurist and fintech entrepreneur Brett King.
What does the bank of 2030 look like?
Henry Ritchotte, former COO of Deutsche Bank, believes that the bank of 2030 will likely be dominated by artificial intelligence.
FinTech: Disrupting the Future of Banking and Finance
FinTech--the rapid evolution of software-based financial services--is remaking Asia's banking industry, as in the rest of the world. The success of startups focused on innovations such as digital payment systems and peer-to-peer lending promises more value for individuals and businesses as financial services are delivered more efficiently, at lower cost and in a way that targets customers' specific needs. In the face of this digital disruption, traditional service providers must learn how to adapt. This panel of Asia's leading voices in financial services and technology will share their views on the rise of FinTech and its implications. How can traditional banking institutions profitably transform their legacy processes? What kind of cross-industry partnerships can ensure the health of this blossoming sector? What role should regulators play in fostering innovation while safeguarding the financial system?
How FinTech is Shaping the Future of Banking | Henri Arslanian | TEDxWanChai
While FinTech is revolutionizing the banking industry and giving millions of people access to financial services for the first time, new banking models are emerging with FinTech start-ups and tech firms potentially disrupting the status quo. But business schools and universities are not preparing future bankers for these changes, says FinTech thought leader Henri Arslanian. How can designers, programmers and creative thinkers help?
Banking 2020 - Technology Disruption in Banking
How would you like to transact with your bank in 2020? On vacation - relaxing on a beach, from your home or on the go? Most of us would prefer all three where time, place and medium don't matter. Today, Banks are adapting to changing consumer behavior and are focusing on building new channels for interacting and transacting with them. The millennials in particular prefer banking anywhere, anytime and is therefore demanding innovative methods for availing banking services.
Future vision of banking
Day in the life view of banking in 2020
AI and the Future of Banking
Sam Maule keynote in Seoul, South Korea for ChosunBiz Future Finance Forum 2017.
The Future of Money: Banking on Fintech
Financial services and fintech startups are innovating across broad categories — in core banking, new financial services (both ones that banks traditional provided, but also ones they don’t), insurance, and investing. So what’s driving this change? And how do these startups successfully attack and compete with the big incumbent entities? What makes it possible — from new data sources that can provide more information on lending risk to being unencumbered by old legacy infrastructures?
A revolution in banking is coming | Tom Blomfield | TEDxLSE
In an age of ever changing technology, one particular important aspect of our lives has seemingly been left behind: banking. However, it seems we are now on the brink of evolving our banking system.
Future of Banks and Telcos - mobile payments trends - Google keynote by Futurist Patrick Dixon
How mobile payments will transform both telcos and banks. Retail banking in world where costs of providing smartphones, bandwidth etc is falling to zero, while revenues from mobile transactions are rising fast. Patrick Dixon, futurist keynote speaker - conference lecture at premier Google marketing event. Personalised marketing messages. Social marketing and digital marketing trends. Dealing with concerns about consumer privacy. Threats to business model of telcos and retail banks.
2018 Future of Banking
Companies are disrupting themselves to stay ahead of the game. What are the key strategies for organisational transformation? How do you transform mindset and culture?
#BSBankingForum FUTURE OF BANKING: Fintech or Techfin?
#BSBankingForum FUTURE OF BANKING: Fintech or Techfin?
The Fintech Revolution: Banking on the Future - The Future of Money The Digital Transformation
The challenges and opportunities facing the finance industry due to the growing influence of new technologies.
The Future of Digital Banking: Special Panel Presentation
Industry experts from PwC, Bonova Consulting, the Financial Brand and Kofax share banking trends and insights and where banks need to be in order to be competitive and successful in the age of the customer.
The New Wave Of FinTech: The End Of Banking
The moderator Mike Sigal, the entrepreneur, advisor and start up coach for the Fintech Program. He is presenting his views on The new wave of fintech, the ending of Banking?
Backbase On-Demand Webinar Banking 2025
People want a seamless customer experience and smart digital platforms. Banking providers, however, are struggling to complete.
How the “Mobile” and the “Fintech” Companies are Changing the Global Banking Scenario
The last two years the advancement of technology and the changing habits of people are completely reshaping the way they do banking. This digital disruption is creating changes in the financial markets at speeds neverseen in history. Understand how mobile is at the epicenter of this and the need to implement an agile culture is essential to win in this new world, after all in the near future nobody will need Banks but everyone will need banking.
The Future of Digital Banking: Special Panel Presentation
Industry experts from PwC, Bonova Consulting, the Financial Brand and Kofax share banking trends and insights and where banks need to be in order to be competitive and successful in the age of the customer.
Are You Ready for the Future of Digital Banking?
Jim Marous, publisher of The Financial Brand and the Digital Banking Report shares how current customer expectations will drive banks to digitize and transform their business processes.
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