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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Future of Pandemics


Covid-19 Pandemic: Analyzing what political leaders say
Analysis of three political world leaders, by making use of the Causal Layered Analysis technique pioneered by Sohail Inayatullah.


COVID-19: reshaping the norm | CTIF reflects with Craig Wing
Panellists will share their reflections and speculations on potential implications of health pandemics like COVID-19 on communities like CTIN’s. What does COVID-19 (as a blip or a longer-term feature) change, if anything, in how we think of social innovation / civic tech / of COPs / the task of supporting activist tech-based communities?


WATCH: 60 minute deep-dive Webinar on #Covid_19SA Scenarios and the economic, political and global implications for South Africa.
WATCH: 60 minute deep-dive Webinar on #Covid_19SA Scenarios and the economic, political and global implications for South Africa.


COVID-19: The State & Future of Pandemics
A Virtual Summit presented by Singularity University.


Foresight in a Time of Coronavirus - Riel Miller
Riel provides us with positive perspectives during this time of shock. Discussing how this pandemic is a powerful opportunity to make a fundamental change in how humans make choices, and the immense power of a capability we all hold, imagination.


The Psychology of Pandemics after the Covid-19 emergency
Dr Graeme Codrington, Scenario Planner and Futurist at TomorrowToday talking about the psychology of pandemics since the breakout of COVID-19 in South Africa and how to better respond to the situation.


A futurist on navigating change forced by the pandemic: fight the fear
SHost Molly Wood speaks again with Amy Webb, futurist and founder of the Future Today Institute, about the fear-versus-optimism side of tech during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who see this pandemic as an opportunity to pause and really prioritize what sorts of scientific and tech advances should be done, Webb says, will move forward and will be OK at the end. On the other hand, she says, those who oppose the fact that the future will now look different than originally envisioned will have a much more difficult time adapting.


What’s Next? Preparing for Future Pandemics
In the last ten years, the world has faced numerous pandemics, including Ebola, Zika, and Chikungunya. Meanwhile, scientists and policymakers continue to work against persistent infectious diseases like HIV and Tuberculosis. With globalization ever increasing, the threat of emerging and re-emerging pandemic diseases continues to rise. As the United States has played a significant role in curbing these outbreaks, it can draw on important lessons learned to prepare for the next pandemic.


Science fiction and the future of the corona pandemic
Science fiction and the future of the corona pandemic


ASEF scenarios to deal with future pandemics
The ASEF Public Health Network will launch the ASEF-ASAP (Accurate Scenarios - Active Preparedness) scenarios


Assessing A Post Pandemic Future: A Video
COVID-19 will forever change our world. To better understand the forces at play and pandemic implications, we need to look at both the lessons of history and the future-focused insights of global thinkers. This video highlights the forces of change. It takes you on a journey back in time and provides a glimpse of possibilities for the post-pandemic world.


Forecasting The Future Of Pandemics—In 1994
HERE has introduced next generation vehicle-sourced data services for the automotive industry focused on making driving safer, less congested and more enjoyable for billions of people around the world.


Lessons from Ebola: Toward a Post-2015 Strategy for Pandemic Response
Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank Group, delivered Georgetown’s inaugural Global Futures lecture, which kicked off a semester-long conversation about the “Global Future of Development” at Georgetown and is part of the university’s new Global Futures Initiative.


Covid 19: Life after the pandemic
In this video, I explore a few practical changes we could see in the short to mid-term following these unusual times.


How is the world preparing for future health pandemics?
With governments and agencies admitting that they were not prepared for the Ebola outbreak, Health24's Harry Phillips discusses how the international community plans to prevent pandemics of this nature in the future.


Foresight in a Time of Coronavirus - Peter Bishop
Peter Bishop speaks about how a new era is possible, though not guaranteed; this historical moment breaks the frame, opening up the possibility for innovation, or we might snap back to how we were before. The disruption is already causing a great deal of risk and suffering and the financial debts will burden future generations. There is potential for radical change in education with a recognition of the importance of public health and planning for a world of increased frequency and depth of disruption.


Predicting the Future of Infectious Disease
Cary Institute disease ecologist Dr. Barbara Han discusses how, with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning, her team analyzes data on animals, disease, and geography to pinpoint areas at risk of future disease outbreaks.


The future of infectious diseases. | Paul Cosford | TEDxUoChester
In the late 20th century the predominant view was that the age of infectious diseases was over, that new technologies had won the battle. That turned out not to be the case. This talk draws on historical and modern examples where new technologies, rather than being seen as vital additions to help fight infection, are thought to replace everything else we need to do. As a result, they have sometimes set back rather than enhanced the control of infectious diseases, at least for a time. It is argued that this is entirely avoidable, that hugely important breakthroughs such as genetic sequencing of micro-organisms, must go hand in hand with continued action on the social and behavioural drivers of infection to achieve the greatest benefit. Like so many aspects of modern life, the future of infectious disease control lies in essential new discoveries alongside a continued understanding of our basic humanity. 


Infectious Disease Forecasting... For The World | Dr. James Wilson | TEDxReno
This talk, for the first time, reveals publicly the ongoing operations and potential of global infectious disease forecasting. The world of medicine and public health is about to change dramatically.


Q+A on Coronavirus: global impact - with Futurist physician advisor to corporations and government.
Many questions on COVID-19 - ranging from symptoms of coronavirus illness; impact on economy, jobs, health service, business, personal lives and wider society. Dr Patrick Dixon is a physician and Futurist, author of 17 books, several of which predicted new pandemics such as COVID-19.


Swine Flu Virus - Future Possible Global Pandemic?
Swine flu virus - outbreak in Mexico, US, Canada and ? UK. Risk of global pandemic? Need for urgent government action, strict isolation (gurantine) and rapid treatment plus effective contact tracing. Symptoms of Swine FLu Virus. Treatment of Swine Flu Virus. Public health measures. Lessons from Sars which killed 860 our of only 8600 cases and caused chaos with billions lost in S E Asia economy, global impact on travel and tourism, and disuption in many nations. Recorded April 26, 2009, 10:33 PM by Dr Patrick Dixon, physician and author of Futurewise, The Genetic Revolution and The Truth about AIDS.


What if...an INFODEMIC affects the PANDEMIC together with Nikolas Badminton on Sirius XM
Nikolas Badminton, Futurist Speaker, chats with Jeff Sammut on Canada Now about how an infodemic accompanies our COVID19 pandemic. The viral information flow has the potential to be as impactful to our state of mind.




Vijay Prashad: The Cost of the COVID-19 Pandemic Must Not Bankrupt the People
Vijay Prashad: The Cost of the COVID-19 Pandemic Must Not Bankrupt the People


How Digital Health Technology Can Help Manage The Coronavirus Outbreak
How Digital Health Technology Can Help Manage The Coronavirus Outbreak


Larry Brilliant: TED Prize wish: Help stop the next pandemic
Dr. Larry Brilliant talks about how smallpox was eradicated from the planet, and calls for a new global system that can identify and contain pandemics before they spread.


Maryn McKenna: What do we do when antibiotics don’t work anymore?
Penicillin changed everything. Infections that had previously killed were suddenly quickly curable. Yet as Maryn McKenna shares in this sobering talk, we've squandered the advantages afforded us by that and later antibiotics. Drug-resistant bacteria mean we're entering a post-antibiotic world — and it won't be pretty. There are, however, things we can do ... if we start right now.


CORONA Crisis: 4 Scenarios: How bad will it get? How long will it last? | Dr. Pero Mićić
The Corona Crisis: How bad will it be? How long will it take? 4 scenarios for your business strategy! This is an instruction for your strategy as a leader and entrepreneur during the crisis..


UBI for Covid-19: wise response or a naive distraction?
Are regular payments to every citizen in the country an appropriate solution to the fragility that the coronavirus pandemic is exposing in our economy and social safety net? When we consider potential additional crises that may boil over in the years ahead, does the case for UBI (universal basic income) strengthen or weaken? And what are the alternatives to UBI?


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