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Higher Education


Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Future of Higher Education


Future Directions for Higher Education in Africa
Africa is going through a demographic boom with the continent’s population expected to double by 2050. There is a rising middle class which has different spending habits and desires. Almost all African countries are rapidly urbanizing. Many Sub-Saharan African countries are on their way to becoming middle-income countries as defined by the World Bank. As a result of the changing landscape in Africa, demand for higher education has skyrocketed. Many public school systems are poorly funded and are not able to provide quality education to their growing populations. New entrants like private universities and online programs have begun to fill the demand for higher education in Africa. Join us on June 11 for a conversation on future directions for higher education in Africa.


The future of education in the 4th Industrial Revolution
The first ever Future of Education Summit was held and high on the agenda was the challenges faced by institutions of higher learning in Africa and how these can be improved in the face of the fast-approaching 4th Industrial Revolution. CNBC Africa speaks to a number of local and global players who are invested in higher education in Africa.


Advancing African colleges -- a fierce urgency | Phillip Clay | TEDxBeaconStreet
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professor Phillip Clay's talk traces the increasing role higher education plays in national development, the influence of the colonial legacy in Africa, the development of African higher education over the last generation, the urgency need for higher education in Africa, and its criticality if Africa's 55 countries and one billion people are to overcome their challenges and catch up with the rest of the world.


Thabo Mbeki addresses youth on the future of Education in Africa
Former president Thabo Mbeki addresses young people from across Africa on the future of Education on the continent. He's part of a panel discussion with Sonqoba Maseko and Sam Paddock - where issues of the fourth industrial revolution are taking centre stage.


AAU Talks: The Future of Online Universities in Africa
AAU TV host, Sedi Quashigah, discusses the future of online education in Africa, particularly higher education with Mr. Samudeen Yusif, Ghana Country Representative of International Online University.


The Future of Education Isn't Random, It Must be Designed | Simi Fajemirokun | TEDxMaitama
In this talk Simi examines the "modern" day African classroom an explains why the redesign of our educational systems must start there. Simi is the founder of R2S Africa, a non-profit organization committed to improving the state of public school education in Nigeria. She is also the founder of ESFAJ & Partners, an advisory firm that provides innovative and creative solutions to the increasing need for research in business development. She advises top government officials in Federal and State governments in Nigeria. Simi brings her business acumen, combined with passion, a reputation for delivering results and an impressive network that spans both the private and public sector to lead an organization that is set to be a game changer in public school education in Nigeria. Simi sits on several boards of non-profit organizations and is committed to building smart communities. In 2012, she was a recipient of the Good Planet Foundation award in Davos based on her research on ‘Mobile Learning in Rural Areas.


The Future of Education | Sizwe Nxasana | SingularityU South Africa
The Future of Education | Sizwe Nxasana | SingularityU South Africa


What students of the future will expect from their University education | Ross Renton | TEDxMalvern
Universities now need to think differently about the needs of their students and adapt to the changing expectations of lifelong education. This talk explores how tertiary education is changing and what students of the future will expect from their course providers and subject lecturers.


Meeting of the minds: The future of education in Africa
Education is rightfully occupying the centre stage in all discussions around the world, particularly in emerging markets. Further to that unemployment and skills development has also become a major focus area for most governments in Africa. It's also lead to an important discussion on government's responsibilities and the opportunities for the private sector. Is enough being done though and how do we fast-track the education agenda on the continent?


Transforming Higher Education for the Workforce of the Future – SOE
Moderator: Hilary Pennington, Vice President, Education, Creativity, and Free Expression, Ford Foundation
Patrick Karanja - Programme Associate, The Rockefeller Foundation
Sylvia Mwangi - Generation Kenya Country Manager, McKinsey Social Initiative
Ivy Mwai, Program Manager, Education and Learning, MasterCard Foundation
Dr. Amos Njuguna - Associate Dean, Chandaria School of Business, United States International University – Africa


Reimagining university
What will the university of the future look like? How will technology change the face of education? Fred Swaniker, Founder of African Leadership Academy, argues that in Africa, limitations such as money, time and available classrooms provide an opportunity to re-imagine education and to build the university of the future for Africa and beyond.


The future of education in Africa
Education is rightfully occupying centre stage as widespread unemployment destabilises many economies across the globe in both developed and developing environments. In this Meeting of the Minds debate CNBC Africa looks at the future of education as it pertains to the African context.


Renaissance - the digital future of higher education: Jeremy Johnson at TEDxPrincetonU
Jeremy Johnson is an entrepreneur who founded the higher educational startup, 2U. He is a former Princeton University student, and is happy to be back on campus presenting his ideas on higher education.


Innovation, Inclusive Excellence, and Leadership: The Future of Higher Education
Freeman Hrabowski, President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore College, presented a public lecture at Dartmouth on October 23rd in Filene Auditorium. President Hrabowski explored problems of underrepresentation in the sciences, from minorities in the United States to Americans on an international scale. His lecture was part of Leading Voices in Higher Education -- a strategic planning speaker series at Dartmouth.


Video 1 of 4 SA Higher Education Scenarios 2018
Three scenarios describing what higher education in South Africa could look like in January 2018. Scenarios are hypothetical stories about the future. They inform our strategic thinking by giving us context for how events may play out.


Video 2 of 4 SA Higher Education Scenarios 2018
In the second part of this series for UCT BUS4050W Strategic Thinking students, we look at the analysis that leads to the focal question and the influences before prioritising the influences. Scenarios are hypothetical stories about the future. They inform our strategic thinking by giving us context for how events may play out.


Video 3 of 4 SA Higher Education Scenarios 2018
How the influences map on to the scenario canvas and are refined into three scenarios. Scenarios are hypothetical stories about the future. They inform our strategic thinking by giving us context for how events may play out.


Video 4 of 4 SA Higher Education Scenarios 2018
In the final video we set flags to allow us to decide which scenario is emerging between now and January 2018. Scenarios are hypothetical stories about the future. They inform our strategic thinking by giving us context for how events may play out.


From the Present to the Future of Higher Education featuring Bryan Alexander
From the Present to the Future of Higher Education featuring Bryan Alexander


The Future of Universities in a Block Chain World | Diane Sieber | TEDxBoulder
Universities have been central to intellectual and creative discourse for a millennium, and yet during the last two decades, powerful economic, technological and social forces have increasingly challenged their survival. Professor Diane Sieber argues that the future of the university may look very much like its origin: decentralized, just-in-time learning with flexible curricula and outcomes-based rather than credit-hour-based credentialing. In the near future, block chain technology will allow learners to design a personalized education that constellates inexpensive online resources and experiences, and to connect directly with employers through smart contracts. Universities that can adapt quickly will weather this change; others will collapse in the face of accelerating technologies and less expensive alternatives.


Forget university? 4 steps to design your own education | Till H. Groß | TEDxKlagenfurt
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How important is your education to you? Have you ever thought about designing your own education? Till H. Groß is a remarkable young man with a passion for psychology. He took his education in his own hands...with mind blowing success.


The future of universities: Patrick Attie at TEDxSantoDomingo
The future of universities: Patrick Attie at TEDxSantoDomingo


The smart campus - a future for our universities?
What is the 'smart campus'? What might it be like to study, teach, research or work in one? How can the smart campus be shaped to ensure that it is a place that people want to work and study in? What is the balance between managing universities in more sustainable ways whilst maintaining individual privacy and technical security?


Universities and the future of innovation | Ekateryna Nova | TEDxTerryTalks
Ekateryna Nova talks about how the current education system fails to reflect new research on what fosters innovation and creativity in schools. According to Nova, scientific and technological advances are driven by people with a broad range of interests – like biologists that study history or engineers that study art. However, while working on a project linking innovation economics with British Columbia’s attitudes towards multidisciplinary studies, Nova found that the current system actually hindered collaboration between disciplines rather than promote it. In her TEDx talk, Nova talks about how this attitude is not only damaging the potential for innovation, but also works in contrast to career projections of modern times – where an individual is expected to switch careers up to 7 times in their life time.


WGS17 Sessions: The Future Model of Higher Education
Joseph Aoun, President of NorthEastern University, describes his views on the future model of higher education at the 2017 World Government Summit.


The Future of Higher Education | Kevin Manning | TEDxBaltimore
The future of higher education will be dominated by distance learning and at the heart of this process will be the cell phone. This will permit higher education to be offered in a cost effective manner throughout the world. Recorded at TEDxBaltimore January 2016.


The Future of Higher Education
Universities play a vital role in our world. They prepare students to compete for high-quality jobs, drive economic growth, produce innovative and life-saving research, and nurture an enlightened and generous citizenry. However, our universities are under significant pressure. There is a perception that tuition costs are out of reach to many and students are forced to accumulate a staggering amount of debt. Technology is creating disruptive educational models that have led to increased competition. The president and the secretary of education have called for an effort to quantify the value of a college degree, including government ranking schools based upon such metrics as accelerated graduation rates, higher percentages of graduates employed, enhanced access and affordability. Distinguished university presidents from public, private and community institutions join a key Department of Education leader to discuss how these challenges are being addressed.


Technology Trends Driving the Future of Higher Education
IT analyst, Bob O’Donnell explores how universities and other institutions of higher learning optimize the use of technology, both today and the in the future to accelerate student outcomes. Is your campus ready for the future?


The Future of Higher Education in the Age of Disruption
In fields far beyond engineering and science — from political science and urban studies to anthropology and linguistics — some of today’s most exciting new research is fueled by advanced computational capabilities. The MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing will create the next generation of highly trained computational thinkers and doers who can offer the world the cultural, ethical, and historical consciousness to use technology for the common good.


The Future of Higher Education
The technology revolution of the 21st Century is disrupting the workforce at a dizzying speed, throwing into question the value of traditional post-secondary education. Universities and corporations are being forced to go beyond incremental reforms. They are having to totally re-envision the education process and how it prepares students and workers of all ages to compete for jobs of today and the future. University heads and education business leaders will strategize how to revolutionize what, when, and where we learn.


A Conversation with Bill Gates: Considering the Future of Higher Education
Philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates joined Cornell President David Skorton for a student-centered discussion Oct. 1, 2014 in Bailey Hall. Topics included higher ed access and affordability, student entrepreneurship, and technology and education.


The Future of Higher Education
As the signature event of its 50th Anniversary Symposia, the University of California, Irvine is convening prominent national experts for a thought-provoking conversation on the future of the public university. What might a top research campus look like in 2065 as opposed to now or 1965? How will new governance, technology and funding models change our vision of university communities? Higher education leaders from across the U.S. join UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman to discuss issues that affect all of us and coming generations.


The Future of Higher Education: The Real Innovations We Need
President Crow discusses the evolution of American higher education and outlines the technology-enabled innovations that will be needed to advance new, 21st century models for postsecondary education. Filmed at the 2017 ASU + GSV Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah.


College (Un)Bound: The Future of Higher Education/Jeffrey Selingo
Jeffrey Selingo, author of College (Un)Bound: The Future of Higher Education and What It Means for Students, and former editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education, delivered the Vanderbilt School of Engineering’s inaugural Schmidt Family Annual Educational Technologies Lecture April 7, 2015. In the future, Selingo said, college will be “a platform for lifelong learning, where students learn, unlearn and relearn throughout life instead of entering a box and exiting four years later. It will be a much more personalized experience.”


Anya Kamenetz at Ted X: The Future of Higher Education
With knowledge changing more rapidly than ever, author Anya Kamenetz addresses the growing gap between what students learn in and outside the classroom.


TEDxVillanovaU - Michele Pistone - The Future of Higher Education
This talk discusses the future of higher education, which has been based on the same educational model for more than 100 years. But the status quo is about to be disrupted, by the Internet and those educators -- including new competitors -- who would unleash its potential. Higher education institutions at a whole have not adequately recognized the threat to the status quo, or come close to responding adequately to it. In truth, responding adequately will be very difficult, because higher ed face a classic innovator's dilemma.


The Future of Higher Education: Prof. Clive Agnew at TEDxUniversityOfManchester
Clive Agnew is the Associate Vice President of Teaching and Learning at the University of Manchester, which has more undergraduates than any other university campus in the UK. In this talk, Clive gives us an insight into where he thinks university education might go in the future.


How the “Mobile” and the “Fintech” Companies are Changing the Global Banking Scenario
The last two years the advancement of technology and the changing habits of people are completely reshaping the way they do banking. This digital disruption is creating changes in the financial markets at speeds neverseen in history. Understand how mobile is at the epicenter of this and the need to implement an agile culture is essential to win in this new world, after all in the near future nobody will need Banks but everyone will need banking.


The Future of Higher Education | Milken Institute
The Future of Higher Education | Milken Institute


The Future of Higher Education
MIT professor Christine Ortiz stepped down as the dean for graduate education in July 2016 to launch a new residential research university that will have no disciplinary departments, no classrooms, no traditional on-ground passive lectures, no majors and no pedagogical distinction between undergraduate and graduate education. She discusses her remarkable new vision for higher education.


MOOCs and the Future of Higher Education
Rick Levin is the Chief Executive Officer of Coursera and President Emeritus of Yale University. Levin experiments with online education date back to 2000. He talks about the role of Coursera and MOOCs and how that differs from traditional higher education.


What do campus trustees think about the future of higher education?
Future Trends Forum met with Rayana Alamuddin, the research leader for a new Ithaka S&R report on what higher education leaders think about their world. She was joined by Robert Kelchen, a professor and expert on higher education economics.


The future of higher education: A conversation with Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard University
Harvard University President Larry Bacow has been an outspoken advocate for the idea that universities should be grounded in the pursuit of truth, the highest standards of excellence, and a commitment to opportunity for all. For universities to succeed, they need to innovate and change as technology, student needs, and public budgets evolve and change. Join AEI and the Brookings Institution as we welcome President Bacow to discuss the future of higher education in America, followed by a conversation with a panel of experts.


Bold Thinking- The future of Universities
Hosted by Walkley-Award winning journalist, broadcaster and La Trobe alumna Virginia Trioli, the lecture will consider the future vision of Australia’s University sector as seen by Victoria’s three oldest Universities – Melbourne, La Trobe and Monash, represented by their respective Vice-Chancellors on the night, Professor Glyn Davis AC, Professor John Dewar and Professor Margaret Gardner AO.


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