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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: The future of mobile.


Ericsons 2020 Shaping Ideas

Mobility and connectivity are rapidly changing the way we do things. In 2020 Shaping Ideas, they ask 20 of the world’s most forward-thinking people how this will change the world we live in by the year 2020. Thinkers like Vint Cerf, Michael Dell, Arianna Huffington, and Jeffrey Sachs share their views on how the Networked Society will shape the future. They talk about the impacts of mobility and connectivity on people, business and society – the opportunities, the challenges and the potential.


Vint Cerf - 2020 Shaping Ideas
Jeffrey Sachs - 2020 Shaping Ideas
Jeff Arnold - 2020 Shaping Ideas
Håkan Eriksson - 2020 Shaping Ideas
Sanjay Kaul - 2020 Shaping Ideas
Ericsons 2020 Shaping Ideas
Ericsson outlines vision for connected future


Nokia presents video scenarios of the future

A View of the Future. Nokia has released a number of short videos that explore how mobile phone design may change in the next three or four years. There is a video for each of the four categories, or put more simply different lifestyle, that Nokia focuses on. The videos are not showing prototypes of actual phones or devices that Nokia is currently working on or plans to launch. They are exploring futuristic concepts and potential new ideas that may or may not be produced in years to come. They are designed to inspire and stimulate discussion around how the mobile device of the future might look and function in our lives.


Nokia - Achieve: Achieving Together
Nokia - Connect: Connecting Simply
Nokia - Live: Inspiring Senses
Nokia - Explore: Sharing Discoveries

Future of Mobile & Apps: Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard
This video is without the Russian overdub ie solely in English, featuring Futurist and Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard at the NextGreatApp event in Moscow, May 24, 2012. Topics include the future of apps, commerce, mobile and social.


MOCOM 2020 - The Future of Mobile Media and Communication
SIMYO and Ahead of Time presents the future of mobile media and communication. This film is presenting a summary of key result of the open think tank MOCOM 2020.


Future of Mobile Device Management
BlackBerry takes a look into the future of mobile device management. This video shows what mobile device management and security could look like in the workplace of the near future.


Mobile phones, smartphones, banks, banking payments and transactions, keynote speaker
Mobile phones and banks, banking transactions future trends


2020 Future seen from 2015: Futurist Mobile World
2020 Future seen from 2015: Futurist Mobile World. Consumer Trends:keynote conference speaker


Did You Know - Mobile Stats for Africa 2011
An overview of the mobile technology landscape in Africa with statistics and facts about mobile phones in Africa.


The Mobile World in Figures
This video, produced by "MobileMonday Germany National Sponsor 2010" Qualcomm, gives an impressive overview about the worldwide mobile data growth in the recent past and in the near future to happen.


SMALL SCREEN / BIG STORY (Future scenario for the year 2020)
A bold future scenario for the year 2020 to avoid big and non personal mega brands. To promote small shops, we use technologies such as intelligent mobile phones, see through old displays and augmented reality to let handmade products tell their stories.


Intel maps mobile Internet future
Mobile Internet is driving fundamental changes in the mobile industry, business, individual lifestyles and society at large.


Davos Annual Meeting 2008 - The Future of Mobile Technology
The convergence of communication, GPS technology and payment systems in one device, the mobile phone, is dramatically reshaping the consumer landscape. How will this convergence of services and technologies affect advertising, content delivery and access to consumer data in markets around the world?


Wireless & mobile health: A massive business model disruptor!
Jim Carroll in front of 4,500 pension trustees in New Orleans, speaking to the velocity of trends occurring with wireless / mobile health technologies, and why this provides so much opportunity for innovation within the health care sector as patient behaviour changes.


Doctor in your pocket...
How smartphones may be able to diagnose diseases from just a drop of blood or saliva on the screen.


The Future of Mobile Payment
"What's on the Horizon in Payments" - a quick recap of the Media Day event that happened on Thursday, September 15, 2011.


Discussion of payments of the future with PayPal exec
Osama Bedier is PayPal's VP of platform, mobile and new ventures and here we have a very interesting conversation about how payments are changing, including a demo of PayPal's new iPhone application.


KPMG - Mobile payments interview
Watch as KPMG partners David Sayer, Global Head of Retail Banking, and Tudor Aw, Partner, Media and Communications, discuss the findings of the KPMG mobile payments survey and their anticipated implications for the industry.


Mobile Payments - Future of Banking and Shopping, Retail, Telecom - Futurist keynote speaker
How mobile payments will impact future of banks, banking, back end payment processing, credit card transactions and retail customer spending.


Fletcher students challenge the experts: What is the Future of Mobile Money? 2020 Scenarios
Fletcher School students Matthew Herbert (Ph.D. candidate), and Elisabeth Burgess, Jacqueline Deelstra, and Jenny Heintz (M.A.L.D. candidates) ask Claire Alexandre, Senior Program Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and David Porteous, Founder and Director at Bankable Frontier Associates, what is in store for the future of mobile money.


Question and Answer Session: What is the Future of Mobile Money? 2020 Scenarios
This video shows the Q&A that followed "What is the Future of Mobile Money? 2020 Scenarios


Future of eLearning World Future 2011
A vision of the future of eLearning as one where personalization, social communication, and free-range learning are essential.


A selection of videos from the mHealth Summit 2010. Mobile Health or mHealth is the cover-all term for the use of mobile devices in healthcare. The emerging mobile platforms and the rapid progress in medical technologies are poised to trigger more accessible health services in the decade to come.


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