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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Future of Meat


The Future of Food
The Future of Food


Meat Without Animals: The Future Of Food | Bruce Friedrich | TEDxGateway
Plant-based and cultivated meat are poised to transform the global food system. In an eye-opening talk, food innovator Bruce Friedrich shows how government support can move this industry forward, revolutionizing the way we eat. Bruce Friedrich is cofounder and executive director of The Good Food Institute (GFI), an international nonprofit that is fostering a sustainable, healthy and just agricultural system through food innovation. With branches in the United States, India, Israel, Brazil, Europe and Asia Pacific, GFI is accelerating the production of plant-based and cell-based meat, eggs and dairy in order to bolster the global protein supply while protecting our environment, promoting global health, and preventing food insecurity and animal cruelty.


The Future of Meat
The Future of Meat


A Future of Meat without Animals? It’s Closer than You Think.
Paul Shapiro is not your average entrepreneur. He is the author of Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and The World and the CEO of The Better Meat Co. These projects stem from his passion for food sustainability. He talked with host Barbara Castiglia on this episode of The Main Course.


Lab–grown and plant–based meat: the science, psychology and future of meat alternatives – podcast
How do you mimic meat? We take a look at the science behind plant-based and cultured meat in this episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast, and where it might lead.


The Future of Meat
Livestock is responsible for 15 percent of global greenhouse emissions. Could meat grown in labs offer a sustainable – and palatable – future? Didier Toubia, CEO and co-founder of cultured meat start-up Aleph Farms, joins Azeem Azhar to explore the biotech, ethics, and economics of making beef without cows.


The future of meat is in the lab - Podcast
Azeem Azhar speaks with Didier Toubia, co-founder and CEO of Aleph Farms, an alternative protein startup based in Israel. Didier is on the trajectory to help feed the global population with meat grown in sustainable, healthy and ethical way.


"The Future of Meat and Livestock" IAAE session with top-notch international experts
Do we need animal-source products for healthy nutrition? Or should we better all become vegetarians or vegans to save our planet? Does the situation differ in North America, Europe, Asia, or Africa? And how can research and technology help to make the livestock sector more sustainable? These and related questions were discussed in the session “The Future of Meat and Livestock” at the 31th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) that took place online in August 2021.


What's the Future of Plant-Based Meat?
3D-printed steaks, bacon made from mushrooms, and fermented plant-based beef. What's the future of plant-based meat? Atlast Food Co., Redefine Meat, Chunk Foods and Bloomberg's Deena Shanker talk to Rosalie e'Silva.


Lab-grown meat: The future of food?
Growing your own food may not make you think of a laboratory where animal cells are transformed into cultured meat, but that is exactly what is now being served up, albeit to an elite few. Last month, Singapore granted approval to an American startup to sell the fruit of its laboratories in restaurants in the city-state. It's a new option for people who are not interested in vegetarianism. Jenny Kleeman, a journalist and the author of a book on how technology is impacting our lives, shares her perspective on it all. Her book is entitled "Sex Robots & Vegan Meat".


The Future of Meat
Meat replacements are not a new concept, but modern alternatives are substantially different from the plant-based proteins we've known for hundreds of years. Now, synthetic meat can be made from animal cells so that it has the same components and attributes as real meat, but this "clean meat" or deathless-meat is grown in steel vats instead of inside animals. You might've already grown accustomed to Beyond meat and Impossible burgers, and although lab-grown steaks haven't made it quite yet, within 10 years we can expect a vast range of artificial animal products that are more delicious than their native counterparts. They will also cost less to produce and reduce environmental harms. After that, perhaps hybrid meats (beast blends?), and individually tailored foodceuticals. So, that's the future of meat: affordable, ethical, sustainable, and evolved.


The Future of Meat
Livestock takes up nearly 80% of farmed land globally, yet produces less than 20% of the world's supply of calories, and all the while, the number of mouths we need to feed keeps growing. A new UBS report examines the investment opportunities provided by alternative ‘clean’ ways to feed the planet, from cellular meat to plant-based proteins – a market projected to balloon to $85bn by 2030.


The Future of Meat - Lab Grown Meat Explained
The Future of Clean Meat - Lab Grown Meat Explained. More and more eco-conscious consumers are joining the vegan movement across the world. But do we really need to give up on burgers, steaks and fried chicken for good? Maybe not, if a more eco-friendly entree' makes it to our menu. How does clean meat and lab-grown meat sound to you? Cultured meat may be making its way to your plate sooner than you think.


Alternative proteins and the future of meat
Alternative proteins and the future of meat


Mark Post - Meet the new Meat
What do you think of lab-grown meat? "Yuck" might be your first reaction. According to professor Mark Post, however, it could become the environmentally friendly alternative for breeding cows and pigs for meat consumption.


What's the Future of Plant-Based Meat?
3D-printed steaks, bacon made from mushrooms, and fermented plant-based beef. What's the future of plant-based meat? Rosalie e'Silva talks to Atlast Food Co., Redefine Meat, Chunk Foods and Bloomberg's Deena Shanker. Presented by Citi.


What is the future of meat?
Millions of people could go hungry if we don't change the way we farm, and lower our consumption of meat. That's being warned in a new report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The Day's Brent Goff spoke with Bruce Friedrich from the US-based non profit Good Food Institute, which promotes plant-based and 'clean' meats.


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