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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: The future of Globesity.



Visualising the Future: Scenarios to 2050
Tackling Obesities: Future Choices


Globesity — Fat’s New Frontier
Globesity exposes the explosion of global obesity by following how fast food corporations have infiltrated countries where just a few decades ago hunger was a headline health concern.


Future Fat Fighters-2050
Future Fat Fighters-2050


Improving Nutrition on a Global Scale: Geoff Von Maltzahn at TEDxBeaconStreet
When could society tackle the twin epidemics of starvation and obesity? 50 years? 100 years? What about today? Geoff von Maltzahn from Flagship VentureLabs explains how their team harnessed the power of technology, biology, and economics to launch Pronutria- a company that takes a system approach to the twin crises of malnutrition and is developing a new solution with the potential to improve nutrition globally in a sustainable, cost-effective way.


A breath test to determine obesity?
Could the bacteria in your stomach be making you fat? Studies point to a specific microbe that causes the body to hoard calories. A new test can reveal if you have it, and now researchers are looking to a common medicine as a possible fix.


The Obesity Epidemic: Why Have We Failed?
Lewis Kuller will discuss how obesity is an example of a common source epidemic due to changes or introduction of new behaviors, i.e. lifestyles, which result in introduction of new "agents," such as fast foods or calorically dense foods, into a receptive environment. The development of technology for mass production of low-cost, high-calorically dense foods has resulted in economic advantage, mass marketing, and social acceptability.


Part 1: 2011 Global Health Summit
According to the World Health Organization, obesity is “one of today’s most blatantly visible – yet most neglected – public health problems”. A complex condition, it is challenging the health systems, governments and citizens of developed and developing nations alike. Childhood obesity has become of special concern given its unique challenges for our future generations.


Part 2: 2011 Global Health Summit
The second part of the 2011 Global Health Summit featured a panel exploring the national and local implications of the obesity epidemic.


Clem Bezold on Preventing and Reversing Diabetes and Obesity
Clem Bezold, co-founder of the Institute of Alternative Futures and author of more than ten books about the future, discusses preventing and reversing diabetes and obesity in the future.


Mark Bittman: What's wrong with what we eat
In this fiery and funny talk, New York Times food writer Mark Bittman weighs in on what's wrong with the way we eat now (too much meat, too few plants; too much fast food, too little home cooking), and why it's putting the entire planet at risk.


Dr Elliot Berry on Coexistence of Obesity & Malnutrition Part 1
The Double Burden: Coexistence of Obesity & Malnutrition Global demographic, epidemiological, and nutritional transitions have led to a unique situation in which food insecurity (uncertain or scarce access to safe and healthy food) exists side by side with problems of obesity and chronic nutrition-related diseases, even in the same household.


Dr Elliot Berry on Coexistence of Obesity & Malnutrition Part 2
The Double Burden: Coexistence of Obesity & Malnutrition Global demographic, epidemiological, and nutritional transitions have led to a unique situation in which food insecurity (uncertain or scarce access to safe and healthy food) exists side by side with problems of obesity and chronic nutrition-related diseases, even in the same household.


Hidden Hunger
Malnutrition does not make headlines the way famine does. But it is far more widespread and deadly. Globally, it affects more than a billion people. It is the cause of more than one third of childhood deaths.



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