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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Post-oil Futures.


Aftermath: World Without Oil

What would our world look like if we ran out of oil? The lifeblood of our high-tech, highly mobile world won't last forever. Watch one scenario of what happens when one day oil does run out. How might our world change and how would we adapt? Aftermath follows the chaotic days and months after this catastrophic event through dramatic re-creations and CGI animation. Find out how we might cope as food disappears, electrical power fails and winter turns the big cities into isolated pockets of concrete and glass. What will be more important to our survival — the technology to develop new sources of energy, or a change to a more sustainable way of life?


Aftermath: World Without Oil in HD - P1 of 3
Aftermath: World Without Oil in HD - P2 of 3
Aftermath: World Without Oil in HD - P3 of 3


ASPO South Africa

EcoDoc Africa in collaboration with the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) South Africa produced this three part video documentary on Peak Oil and South Africa - Impacts and Mitigation. Presented by Jeremy Wakeford of ASPO South Africa, the presentation outlines what the phenomenon called Peak Oil is all about, and what it means for us here in South Africa.


Peak Oil and South Africa Part 1 of 3
In Part 1, Jeremy outlines our "addiction" to oil, and details three assumptions that we have about oil -- namely business as usual will prevail, that there is plenty of oil left, and markets will solve the problem of depletion. For each assumption, Jeremy provides a reality check.

Peak Oil and South Africa Part 2 of 3
In Part 2 of Peak Oil and South Africa - Impacts and Mitigation, Jeremy Wakeford continues to detail our erroneous assumptions about oil and its substitutes, and shows us how we are heading for a reality check mate. This is followed by an analysis of the global and South African implications of Peak Oil. EcoDoc Africa in collaboration with the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) South Africa produced this three part video documentary.

Peak Oil and South Africa Part 3 of 3
Part 3 focuses on how we can respond to the challenges of Peak Oil. Jeremy Wakeford argues that our society must urgently embark on a 'sustainability mobilisation' that revolutionises our energy, transport and industrial systems, underpinned by a shift in values to reflect environmental realities. He suggests practical responses that can be taken by government, businesses and individuals. He concludes with a reminder that Peak Oil is NOW, that the impacts will intensify, and that proactive mitigation can ease the inevitable transition to sustainability.


ASPO Peak Oil Conferences

Peak Oil & Beyond

Richard Heinberg talks about Peak Oil and how it's going to change our lives for good!


Richard Heinberg - Peak Oil & Beyond - PART 1 of 5
Richard Heinberg - Peak Oil & Beyond - PART 2 of 5
Richard Heinberg - Peak Oil & Beyond - PART 3 of 5
Richard Heinberg - Peak Oil & Beyond - PART 4 of 5
Richard Heinberg - Peak Oil & Beyond - PART 5 of 5




Nicole M Foss

Jim Puplava interviews Nicole Foss, Co-Editor at The Automatic Earth


Peak Oil & Collapse Of The Economy - part 1
Peak Oil & Collapse Of The Economy - part 2
Peak Oil & Collapse Of The Economy - part 3
Peak Oil & Collapse Of The Economy - part 4





The Problem - Peak Oil - Part One Understanding and looking forward.
The Problem - Peak Oil - Part One Understanding and looking forward.


The Problem - Peak Oil - Part Two Understanding and looking forward. Part 2a
The Problem - Peak Oil - Part Two Understanding and looking forward. Part 2a


The Problem - Peak Oil - Part Two Understanding and looking forward. Part 2b
The Problem - Peak Oil - Part Two Understanding and looking forward. Part 2b


Peak Oil & The Four Futures - Tim Hudson - Part 1 of 2
What will be our future after peak oil? How will our jobs, lives, and the overall economy be impacted?


Peak Oil & The Four Futures - Tim Hudson - Part 2 of 2
What will be our future after peak oil? How will our jobs, lives, and the overall economy be impacted?


The Future of Oil
Roland Horne, Thomas Davies Barrow Professor in the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University, discusses the future of oil. The Energy Seminar meets weekly during the academic year. For a list of upcoming talks, visit the events page at the Woods Institute for the Environment website.


Shocks, Shortages, Scenarios - Planning a Post-Oil Future
Responding to peak oil will require reshaping our communities. These two interviews, taped at the September 2008 ASPO-USA conference, are with Megan Quinn Bachman of Community Solutions, and Bryn Davidson of Dynamic Cities Project.


Peter Bishop, Seth Itzkan Q&A - Houston After Peak Oil: Scenarios
Dr. Peter Bishop - University of Houston Future Studies Program Seth Itzkan - Futurist/Analyst, Planet-TECH Associates


Jeff Rubin on Oil and the End of Globalization
Economist and author Jeff Rubin talks with Allan Gregg about his new book "Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of Globalization."


Two Views of a Post-Oil Future
Two Views of a Post-Oil Future


There's No Tomorrow (peak oil, energy, growth & the future)
This is a quick journey through the subjects of oil formation, peak oil, energy, economic growth, and resource depletion.


Bruce Soltani interviews Dr. James Schlesinger
Bruce Soltani interviews Dr. James Schlesinger, Former Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Energy, and CIA Director on the topic of Peak Oil and the future of the United States Economy.


Jeremy Wakeford - Peak Oil Mitigation of the Transport Sector
Jeremy Wakeford - Peak Oil Mitigation of the Transport Sector



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