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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Future of Politics and Elections


The Future of Democracy in South Africa and the Region
Africa Program hosted a discussion of recent events in South African politics and their implications for the future of democracy in the country and the region. The speakers were Paul Graham, executive director of the Institute for a Democratic Alternative in South Africa (IDASA) and Judith February, leader of the political information and monitoring services also at IDASA. Princeton Lyman, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University, served as moderator.


Future Politics | Jamie Susskind | Talks at Google
Jamie Susskind is a practicing barrister and author, and former fellow of Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. He writes about the effects of technology on politics, looking at how AI and machine learning, the internet of things, robotics, blockchain, and virtual reality will change the way we live together. In this talk he discusses the subject of his new book, "Future Politics: Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech": How far should our lives be directed and controlled by powerful digital systems - and on what terms?


The Future of Democracy Around the World
The Future of Democracy Around the World


Democracy & Elections | Peace, Trade & Youth: Investing in the Future of US-Africa Cooperation.
The risk to the prospects of democracy is high across Africa. With military-overthrows and unconstitutional claims to power, our panelist explores the ways in which US-Africa investment can better support democracy and the role youth actors play in its development.


Webinar: Trends of Elections and Democratic Consolidation in Africa
Several African countries have just completed successful electioneering processes this year, while others are yet to head to the polls. The dynamics of elections on the continent are fast changing, with many countries demonstrating the requisite political maturity for democratic consolidation.


The Future of Development: Politics, Representation, and Development
In the fifth installment of the Future of Development series, which brings together experts to discuss the big questions facing developing countries over the next decade, Leonard Wantchekon and Sarah Khan took on the role of politics in development (and vice versa), exploring how political distortions impact the economy and how economic change affects politics.


The future of politics
Traditional political parties are beset by a host of challenges to their dominance, while new technology provides the promise of new means for citizens to get involved in politics. When these trends collide, what does it mean for the future of parties and the future of political participation?


The future of liberalism
Governance Studies at Brookings and the Project on Constitutional Originalism and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition at Catholic University will host Robert P. George and William A. Galston, thinkers with differing intellectual and political orientations, to discuss the prospects for the long-term viability of pluralist liberal societies.


How will government and politics be transformed by technology?
The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome Jamie Susskind to discuss his new book Future Politics: Living together in a World Transformed by Tech.


The Future of Politics in an Evolving Information Ecosystem
Join Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Peter Rough and experts Roshan Patel, Josh Holmes, and Jon Lerner for a discussion on the media and political landscape confronting policy organizations, corporations, and issue campaigns in the 2020s.


What Will Be the Demands on and Future Objectives of Government?
Change is inevitable. The actions which governments do or do not take in the immediate, near and medium term will impact on the future of people and the planet. Prior to the pandemic, many governments already faced multiple challenges in managing their economies and delivering services. What will be the demands on and future objectives of government? The Future of Government Disruptive Debates will provide influential global leaders and thinkers a platform from which to share their contrasting views and ideas on how governments might seize the opportunity from crisis to take pathways towards achieving greener, more resilient and more inclusive development outcomes in the future.


Technology and the Future of Democracy
Panelists discuss if social media and other technological developments are empowering or undermining democratic government.


Also see: Governments Videophile


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