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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: The future of innovation.


Innovation Futures (INFU)

New innovation patterns such as open innovation, user innovation or soft innovation are challenging established ways of developing innovations. It can be expected that some of these concepts and models become widely diffused in the future while at the same time totally new innovation patterns may emerge. A better understanding of plausible long-term scenarios for changing innovation processes and configurations and its implications for society and economy can help practinioners and policy makers in developing specific strategies to exploit the full potential of new innovation patterns.

Social Innovation

Richard Alan Slaughter is the director of Foresight International, Brisbane. He is notable for his studies in the field of critical futures today, which developed from the intersection of futures studies and social constructivism.


Social Innovation 1: Introduction
Social Innovation 2: The Transformative Cycle
Social Innovation 3: Social Learning




Rasigan Maharajh on Innovation, the future and South Africa
Globelics 2011: STEPS Centre's session on Innovation for Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development.


Open Innovation - A South African perspective
This video was recorded during the RIIS workshop session at South Africas 2nd Innovation Summit held in Maropeng in August 2009.


Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation
TED's Chris Anderson says the rise of web video is driving a worldwide phenomenon he calls Crowd Accelerated Innovation -- a self-fueling cycle of learning that could be as significant as the invention of print. But to tap into its power, organizations will need to embrace radical openness.


Charles Leadbeater: The era of open innovation
In this deceptively casual talk, Charles Leadbeater weaves a tight argument that innovation isn't just for professionals anymore. Passionate amateurs, using new tools, are creating products and paradigms that companies can't.


Patrick Awuah: "Fostering Innovation as the Key to Lasting Change in Africa"
After a successful career at Microsoft, Patrick looked back to his native Ghana and decided that the ills of the country could only by solved by educating the next generation of business and government leaders, providing them with training in critical thinking and ethics that the current generation lacked.


Innovation Keynote - Spark Innovation, Discover Ideas
Innovation keynote speaker Jeremy Gutsche is an innovation expert, futurist, trends expert, founder of TrendHunter.com. In this innovation keynote speech, Jeremy is speaking for 3,000 Meetings Professional International members sampling his: strategy, marketing and innovation keynote speech, Exploiting Chaos.


Daniel Burrus - Using Flash Foresight To Drive Innovation and Growth
What if you could have the foresight to see invisible opportunities before anyone else including your competition? What if you could skip your biggest problems and more forward quickly? What if you were certain enough about the future to re-invent and re-position your business now, before it's too late?


Daniel Burrus - Seeing Invisible Solutions to Impossible Problems
He is convinced - technological, social and business forces are converging to create enormous untapped opportunities. In 1983, Daniel Burrus was the first and only futurist to accurately identify the 20 technologies that would become the driving forces of business and economic change. He has continued to hold a worldwide reputation for his exceptional record for predicting the future of technological change and its impact on the business world.


The Future of Innovation
How are leading innovators reshaping models of research and development?


Dean's Series on Sustainable Innovation - USC Annenberg Scenario Lab
Dean's Series on Sustainable Innovation - USC Annenberg Scenario Lab


Case Studies of Financial Innovation in Africa - Podcast
The talk discussed the trends driving economic growth in Africa, the outlook for Africa's financial industry, why donors believe financial sector development matters and what the key ingredients are for successful innovation at the bottom of Africa's financial pyramid.



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