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Entertainment Post-Covid-19

Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Entertainment Post-Covid-19


The impact of COVID-19 on Leisure and Entertainment
The leisure and entertainment sector has been severely affected by the pandemic and the future will be challenging, as Senior Gaming Analyst John Poelking and Senior Lifestyles Analyst Kristen Boesel explain.


The future of Leisure, Retail and Tourism post-Covid19
The final LeisurUp Experiences for Tomorrow session brought together all of our previous panellists in a Q&A session with six leisure and attraction experts who provided their views on the future of lifestyle destinations post-Covid19, tourism, retail and leisure.


Podcast: Future of Entertainment PR Post COVID-19
A panel of public relations specialists from motion picture, music and television came together to discuss the state of the entertainment industry.


The Future of Streaming Post Covid :: Sandbox Summit Global 2020
Watch the recording of the panel 'The Future of Streaming Post Covid' from Day 1 of Sandbox Summit Global 2020 in association with MQA, Chartmetric and Linkfire.


From Holograms To The Holodeck, The Future Of Live Events
The coronavirus outbreak has resulted in the cancelation of thousands of events: gigs, concerts, festivals, meetups, conferences. Are waves of pandemic the new normal, and if so, will social distancing be a factor of our professional and personal lives as COVID season revisits the planet at regular intervals? What could this mean for the events business? Some organisations such as O’Reilly Media have thrown in the towel, shuttering it’s conference business forever.


ICOM | OECD Webinar: impact, innovations and planning for post-crisis
Today, more than ever, the importance of culture and creativity for society is clear. The availability of cultural content contributes to mental health and well-being, and many cultural institutions have provided online and free content in recent weeks for that purpose. Sustainable business models during and after the initial crisis are imperative for the sector’s survival. Leaving behind the more fragile part of the sector could cause irreparable economic and social damage. The current challenge is to design public supports that alleviate the negative impacts in the short term and help identify new opportunities in the medium term for different public, private and non-profit actors engaged in cultural and creative production.


Post-pandemic event design - How will the show go on?
COVID-19 has made it impossible to organize sizeable physical events, like festivals, shows and trade fairs. This will likely still be the case in a year from now, maybe even longer. What does that mean for the event industry? The rise of phygital environments, relevance of the stage itself and audience inclusivity and engagement are all up for discussion.


The entertainment industry post Covid-19 developing technologies & new approaches
The entertainment industry post Covid-19 developing technologies & new approaches


Webinar: How COVID-19 Will Affect the Future of Entertainment & Attractions
In this new world, everyone is facing uncertainty, and the way we handle the challenge varies industry to industry, and person to person. Hear a panel of experts in entertainment and attractions discuss how they are handling the current situation, and what the cruise industry can learn from them.


Future of Sports in post COVID world | CII Webinar
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organizes a webinar on 'Future of Sports in Post COVID World' to discuss the impact of coronavirus pandemic on the sector and the way forward. The seminar is participated by leading sportspersons, sports organizers and administrators, and sports journalists.


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