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Environmentally focused. The United Nations Environment Programme asks you - and everyone else on this planet - to celebrate World Environment Day on 5 June 2011. Africans are getting involved in World Environment Day. Featured on the UNEP site are the efforts of Sudan, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Once you've watched our selection of videos, check out the World Environment Day activities in the Africa region.


Fracking in South Africa

From Aljazeera, a report on fracking for natural gas in South Africa.


The science behind climate change

Featured on Ted.com, Rachel Pike explains the science behind climate change.



Official film for the International Year of Forests

Yann Arthus-Bertrand's remarkable film about forests. Good Planet provides information about the film, as well as the opportunity to legally - and without charge - download a copy of it.



Video: The Nile

Part one of a two-part documentary film from Aljazeera on the struggle over Africa's River Nile. Definitely not to be missed! Aljazeera provides additional information about this ongoing struggle - read about it.


Video: Vertical farms of the future

According to the Vertical Farm Project, 80% of us will be living in urban areas by 2050. How to feed ourselves and with what land? Vertical farms are a proposed solution. Watch the video or visit The Vertical Farm Project for more information.


Video: Mud-luscious

Djenne, Mali, is heading for the future by relying on one of the oldest forms of building construction material: mud. This documentary by Susan Vogel focuses on Komusa Tenapo, mud-builder, and brings to the future an amazing resource.


Video: South African scenarios

An interesting video on scenarios - with some thought-provoking ideas about the environment - has been produced by Video Consulting International. Directed by Wolfgang Muller and animated by James Carroll, the scenarios take into account political and environmental variables.

25-year future scenarios for South Africa on Vimeo.


Video: Taxi ride to the future

Shell produced this video, entitled Join the Taxi Ride to a Sustainable Energy Future.



Video: Grow your own fresh air

Yes, you can grow your own fresh air. Kamal Meattle offers a simple solution - using household plants located in specific positions in your home or office - for producing your own fresh air.



Video: Planetary boundaries

An introduction to planetary boundaries from the Stockholm Resilience Centre


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