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Regional Integration

Our selection of videos on this month's theme: foresight and regional integration.


High-Level Forum on the Business of Regional Economic Integration in Africa 2011


Dr Prega Ramsamy

Dr Prega Ramsamy, Head of Business for Development Pathfinder at the Southern Africa Trust





Let Africa Trade With Africa
In Africa, non-tariff trade barriers raise transaction costs and limit the movement of goods, services, people and capital across borders. To further development, African governments must embrace regional integration, break down these barriers and help Africans trade with each other.


Can Africa Trade with Africa?
The recorded seminar focused on how to accelerate trade integration on the continent by reducing behind-the-border trade constraints, expanding access to trade finance, strengthening trade facilitation, and enhancing African voice and capacity for intra-regional and global trade.


A Report on Regional integration in Africa by the United Nations
A key finding of a report on Regional integration in Africa by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa has found that Africa needs to drastically improve its infrastructure to improve regional trade and so improve its competitiveness in world trade.


Trade, EPAs and Regional Integration
Trade, EPAs and Regional Integration - Speaker: Dr. Yenkong Ngangjoh Hodu, Manchester University. Moderator: Christian Palme, NAI



AfDB Adopts Strategy for Regional Integration in Central Africa - French
The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) today approved its 2011-2015 Regional Strategy for Central Africa. The strategy is designed to reduce poverty through infrastructure development as well as institutional and human capacity building.



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