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Fresh Water

Our selection of videos on this month's theme: foresight and fresh water.


Claudia Ringler

Water Lecture: Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 Scenarios

Claudia Ringler is Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Her research interests are water resources management - in particular, river basin management - and agricultural and natural resource policies for developing countries. Moreover, she is undertaking work on adaptation to climate change and enhanced rural water quality management.




Part 1 - Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 Scenarios
Part 2 - Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 Scenarios
Part 3 - Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 Scenarios
Part 4 - Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 Scenarios
Part 5 - Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 Scenarios
Part 6 - Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 Scenarios


Maude Barlow

Blue Covenant: Maude Barlow on the Global Movement for Water Justice

Maude Barlow is the head of the Council of Canadians, Canada's largest public advocacy organization, and founder of the Blue Planet Project. Barlow is author of the new book Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water.

The Wars of the Future will be fought over WATER!!!!-1/2
The Wars of the Future will be fought over WATER!!!!-2/2




Ralph Marra, Tucson Water, speaks about Scenario Planning.
Ralph Marra speaks about Planning for future water supplies, Tucson Water's role, Assessing customers' needs, Scenario planning and The ultimate goal.



Future of Water - Glen Hiemstra Futurist.com
Glen Hiemstra, futurist speaker, founder of Futurist.com, author, futurist consultant, discusses the future of water.



Climate Change Impacts on Great Lakes Water Levels
This webinar will help to better understand the implications of climate change on the future of Great Lakes water levels.



Future of Water
Dr. Terje Tvedt, in the documentary "The Future of Water".



Climate Forecasts and Water Management: Opportunities and Challenges
An overview of the utility of climate forecasts in improving water management is presented. Importance of uncertainty reduction through multimodel combination and need for management models that utilize probabilistic information are also discussed.


Ancient Dry Spells Offer Clues About the Future of Drought
As parts of Central America and the U.S. Southwest endure some of the worst droughts to hit those areas in decades, scientists have unearthed new evidence about ancient dry spells that suggest the future could bring even more serious water shortages. Three researchers speaking at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco on Dec. 5, 2011, presented new findings about the past and future of drought.


Surface Tension - Waterwise: Washing Futures
Surface Tension - Waterwise: Washing Futures



Future of Water - The Water Age
The uncertainty of climate change and the increasing need for water is bringing a renaissance of large new water transfer methods.



Forecasting the Future
By 2050 an increased population will encounter fuel and water shortages. Professor Sornette looks at three possible scenarios for the global response to these problems and predicts that future scientific research could create solutions we cannot yet imagine.


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