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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: The future of books.


University of Florida Digital Assembly Symposium

As cultural and intellectual discourse becomes digitized at an ever-accelerating rate, what will become of books? According to several prominent literary theorists, the decline of print culture "the civilization of the book" makes us acutely aware of different kinds of writing that fit hand in glove with broadened notions of textuality. Contemporary scholarship across the humanities continues to interrogate the vitality of books in the twenty-first century. For instance, how have books shaped our conventional notions of authorship and commonplace reading practices? Looking ahead, how might the book serve as an interface metaphor for electronic textuality? Keen to digital platforms, the speakers featured in this symposium variously maintain that the book will play substantial roles in the development of reading and writing publics in an era of social media, digital scholarship, and networked communication.


Roundtable - Digital Platforms and the Future of Books
Elizabeth Swanstrom presentation - Digital Platforms and the Future of Books
David Blakesley presentation - Digital Platforms and the Future of Books
Bob Stein presentation - Digital Platforms and the Future of Books
Jay Bolter presentation - Digital Platforms and the Future of Books


The Future of Book Publishing - New York Public Library Roundtable

This roundtable discussion hosted by Kodak at the New York Public Library assembled key members of the publishing industry, including a retailer, a printer, a publisher, a distributor and an author. The objective is to foster a dialogue among key industry leaders on trends, strategic approaches, successes and future direction.


The Future of Book Publishing - New York Public Library Roundtable
Harlequin Exec Says E-Books Will Not Replace P-Books (Part 1)
Harlequin Exec Says E-Books Will Not Replace P-Books (Part 2)
Patrick Henry of WhatTheyThink.com Says E-Books Will Not Replace P-Books
Author Melinda Roberts Says E-Books Will Not Replace P-Books
Jim Milliot of Publisher's Weekly Says E-Books Will Not Replace P-Books


Information Technology & the Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries – an AAAS panel

Digital technology has created unprecedented changes in the way we live and work today. To consider these transformations, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences organized a symposium on the Impact of Information Technology on Society in March 2009. In one session of this symposium, hosted at the Computer History Museum, a distinguished panel discussed "Information Technology and the Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries." The questions considered included: As publishing continues to move toward a digital model, what happens to libraries and their clients, researchers, and students? What forces are shaping the future of the printed book? What will be the future of book publishing?


Edward Feigenbaum - The Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries
Daniel J. Clancy - The Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries
John Hollar - The Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries
John Warnock - The Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries
Michael A. Keller - The Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries
Donald A. B. Lindberg - The Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries
Daniel L. Goroff - The Future of Books, Publishing, and Libraries


The Future of the Book: The Impact of Digital Technology on the Publishing Industry
Christopher Ricks, Ann Blair, James Tracy, and Richard Sarnoff discuss where the book has been, where it is headed, and the impacts a digital revolution could have on our society in a symposium hosted by David Eckel and Victor Coelho. Coelho, Professor of Music, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education.


The Future of the Book: Libraries and Education in the 2Ist Century: The Case of Cushing Academy
Christopher Ricks, Ann Blair, James Tracy, and Richard Sarnoff discuss where the book has been, where it is headed, and the impacts a digital revolution could have on our society in a symposium hosted by David Eckel and Victor Coelho. Coelho, Professor of Music, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education.


The Future of the Book – WSJ.com
A panel of writers, editors and publishers debate the future of books in an age of digitization.


The Future of the Book
Meet Nelson, Coupland, and Alice — the faces of tomorrow’s book. Watch global design and innovation consultancy IDEO’s vision for the future of the book. What new experiences might be created by linking diverse discussions, what additional value could be created by connected readers to one another, and what innovative ways we might use to tell our favourite stories and build community around books?


uBookquitous: The Future of Books
For hundreds of years, the term "book" meant the same thing: paper and bindings. In the digital world, that's been expanded to include audio books (delivered via CD and digital download) and electronic books (Kindle, Nook, Kobo and more).


The Future of Reading: Possible or Probable?
Important note: The first minute of this video is blank.
The French publishing group Editis's short fictional video is about the likely future of books.


The future of books?
As e-books continue to change the publishing industry, CBS News' Kaylee Hartung spoke with Aziz Isham and Patrick White, co-founders of Arcade Sunshine, a media group developing multimedia tablets to enhance the reading experience.


Round table discussion on the future of ebooks
Included in the discussion is executive editor of the Harvard Business Review, Paul Michaelman, Mike Robinson the eBook Sales and Marketing Manager of Oxford University Press and finally Rob Burns Sr. Director Software Manager of Ebsco Publishing.


Future of paper, print and social media in digital world
Dr Patrick Dixon, Director Global Change Ltd. Many have predicted the death of books in a digital age, but the fact is that more book titles are published today than ever, with increasing numbers sold online.


Library 2.0 Panel 1, Part 1: The Future of the Library
Library 2.0 Panel 1, Part 1 includes opening comments from Blair Kauffman, panellists Joshua Greenberg, Jogn Palfrey and a Question & Answer section with these two panellists.


Library 2.0 Panel 1, Part 2: The Future of the Library
Library 2.0 Panel 1, Part 2 includes presentations from panellists Ann Wolpert, Director of Libraries, MIT, and Charles Cronin, Visiting Fellow, Yale Information Society Project and a Question & Answer section with these two panellists.


Future of Newspapers, magazines, digital media, marketing, advertising
Futurist keynote conference speaker Patrick Dixon at Stein Am Rhein Leadership Summit


Computers in Libraries 2012: The Future of Ebooks
Computers in Libraries 2012: The Future of Ebooks



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