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Renewable Energy

Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Renewable Energy


The IRENA Renewable Energy Learning Partnership (IRELP) Project

The IRENA Renewable Energy Learning Partnership (IRELP) was launched to enhance access to renewable energy (RE) education and training; raise the profile of RE as a career option; and assist in the development of RE curricula.



Dr. Eric Martinot

Eric Martinot is senior research director with the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies in Tokyo, Japan, specialising in renewable energy commercialization.


Future of Renewable Energy
Representatives from several wind energy groups spoke about the future of wind energy, including government funding and subsidies, infrastructure, and environmental concerns. They also responded to questions from the audience.


Is the Future Renewable?
Three experts explore the possibility of a world powered by renewable energy - the likelihood of that scenario, how the transition should be made, and whether renewable energy can help to slow climate change. The panel is moderated by Adil Najam, director of the Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.


The Future of Renewable Energy: Quayle Hodek at TEDxMaui 2013
Called one of the "7 Hottest CEOs " by Treehugger. com and one of Red Herring's "Top 25 Entrepreneurs under 35," Quayle Hodek is a pioneer in the field of renewable energy. As the CEO of Renewable Choice Energy, Quayle has been on a mission to convince companies that switching to renewable energy is the right thing to do, for the planet and the bottom line.


Energy Storage for the Age of Renewables: Prof. Dr. Eduard R. Heindl at TEDxStuttgart
The next few decades will herald a global change in energy production. The age of renewables requires more than just photovoltaics and windmills: it needs storage systems in an unprecedented volume. However, conventional techniques of storage fail due to the high investments or the low efficiency. This appears to be a stumbling block for the desired change to renewable energy.


TEDxWaterloo - Shawn Qu - Future of Solar Energy
Shawn Qu follows the light -- actually he follows sunlight and turns it into electricity that powers homes and businesses around the world. As the chairman, president and CEO of Canadian Solar, Shawn is a leader in the fast growing solar energy market and putting Canada on the map for Canadian Solar's innovative technology.


Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
What's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage -- so we can have power on tap even when the sun's not out and the wind's not blowing. In this accessible, inspiring talk, Donald Sadoway takes to the blackboard to show us the future of large-scale batteries that store renewable energy. As he says: "We need to think about the problem differently. We need to think big. We need to think cheap."


The future of energy?
Today, we consume a truly vast amount of energy - with demand continuing to skyrocket at an alarming rate. We know that producing this energy has significant environmental impacts and emitting so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere could cause catastrophic climate change. In this film, three academics look at wind power, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and material efficiency as examples of how we can cut our C02 emissions. They suggest that we must act now in order to avoid the serious risks of man-made global warming, one of our greatest challenges in the 21st century.


Scenarios for the future of renewable energy - Global CemPower conference 2012
Scenarios for the future of renewable energy, Gill Ringland, SAMI Consulting. Presentation given at the Global CemPower conference on waste heat recovery (WHR) in the cement industry and other energy-intensive industries, 14 - 15 June 2012, London, UK.


Future of Energy
Talk about energy is a live discussion on innovations that transform the energy sector. Join some of the brightest minds in the industry to talk about the latest trends and implications of new technologies in oil, gas, clean energy and electricity for the global economy.


Shell energy scenarios to 2050
So what will the two worlds described in our scenarios look like? How might the world change in either one? Watch the video and explore the Scramble and Blueprints scenarios.


Libby Cheney at Audubon's Future Scenarios: Energy and Economy
Highlights of Libby Cheney of Shell's talk at Future Scenarios: Energy and Environment, a panel discussion produced by Sea Change Media for Audubon.


Lunar Solar Power Generation - LUNA RING
The Energy Paradigm Shift Opens the Door to a Sustainable Society. A shift from economical use of limited resources to the unlimited use of clean energy is the ultimate dream of all mankind. The LUNA RING, our lunar solar power generation concept, translates this dream into reality through ingenious ideas coupled with advanced space technologies. Virtually inexhaustible, nonpolluting solar energy is the ultimate source of green energy that brings prosperity to nature as well as our lives. Shimizu Corporation proposes The LUNA RING for the infinite coexistence of mankind and the Earth.


Daniel Yergin on the future of global energy
The Pulitzer Prize–winning author and global energy expert sees rising demand from the East spurring innovation.


Gamechangers: Energy Science, Innovation, and the Future of America.
In the National Laboratory system, we are working on new energy technologies that could transform the ways we generate, store and use energy, and that could protect our environment while recharging our national economy. But as we tackle the fundamental scientific research we need to discover and develop disruptive new energy technologies, it's worthwhile to ask: What does it really mean to change the game? What does game-changing technology look like, and what are currently our best prospects for gamechangers? Ultimately, can we really change the energy game in this country? I believe the answer is yes -- but only if we bring together the right people and give them the right tools to address the right questions. --Eric D. Isaacs


Future Scenarios: Energy and Economy - Forum Audio - Podcast
Future Scenarios: Energy and Economy - Forum Audio - Podcast


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