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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: foresight and education.


Seven Meta-trends and the Future of Learning

Bobbe Baggio is a recognized expert in applying psychology and neuroscience to the design of instruction and learning materials.

This presentation looks at the seven meta-trends presented from the synthesis of fifteen e-Learning reports produced by both the private and government sector. All these reports agree that a paradigm shift in the way we view and deliver education will occur and perceptions of learning will undergo radical change.


Part 1 - Seven meta-trends and the future of learning
Part 2 - Seven meta-trends and the future of learning
Part 3 - Seven meta-trends and the future of learning
Part 4 - Seven meta-trends and the future of learning



Forecast Creating the Future of Learning


During this thought-provoking discussion about the future of education, Monica Martinez of KnowledgeWorks Foundation explained how the most vibrant innovations in teaching and learning over the next decade will happen outside traditional institutions in places you'd least expect.





RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms
This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.


Graham Glass: The Future of Education, Part 1
TEDxManila, Graham Glass: The Future of Education, Part 1



Graham Glass: The Future of Education, Part 2
TEDxManila, Graham Glass: The Future of Education, Part 2



The Future of Education
The Future of Education



Education Today and Tomorrow
This video was created by Tom Woodward of Henrico County schools in Virginia. Tom used the work of Karl Fisch from Colorado who created a PPT using various quotes and statistics from "flat world" thinking.


Education in 2025.mov
What will the education system look like in the year 2025?



Education Future Search
Teachers, educational reform, high school are absolute, change the way we educate,....Mash up of Sir Ken Robinson, Alec Couros, Bill Gates, Dean Shareski.


Future of education: instant knowledge
Old style education focuses on memory and knowledge. New style education needs to focus on how to find immediate answers to complex problems from a starting point of ignorance, using new technology.


Prof. Sugata Mitra on the Future of Universities
Professor Sugata Mitra describes the university of the future at the Learning Futures Festival 2009, organised by the Beyond Distance Research Alliance of the University of Leicester.


Future of Education: Digital High Schools
Keynote conference speech for International School in Brussels on future of education, high schools, curriculum, student preparation for life and work challenges by Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon.


Future of Education: educational trends
Future of schools, colleges, universities, education.



The Future of Higher Education - Resources & Flexibility
Discussion on the Future of Higher Education from the EDUCAUSE 2009 Annual Conference



Learning for All
Why is Learning for All the right goal for education worldwide? Join the World Bank as we help developing countries invest early, invest smartly, and invest in learning for all.


Singularity University Presentation
The Singularity University aims to assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanitys grand challenges.

Make the future

This video looks at ideas drawn in the main from research commissioned under the Beyond Current Horizons programme, which considers the future of education in the light of social and technological change over the next two decades. The video aims to inspire education leaders to think differently about the future of education and to consider the challenges and possibilities for 21st century schools.

The Future of Learning & Technology

This is a 25 min version of a presentation that Nick Shackleton-Jones gave to his colleagues in the BP Leadership Learning and Development team.

Schooling the World: The White Man's Last Burden trailer

If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children.

The Future of Education & Learning (Videos/PPoints)

This theme Blog showcases online videos that are available about the future of teaching and learning.


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