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Our selection of videos on this month's theme: Foresight

Introduction to the Knowledge base of Futures Studies: Overview - Part 1
Hear from Richard Slaughter, renowned futurist, about the development and evolution of the Knowledge Base of Futures Studies and how it helps to underpin a number of post-grad foresight programs around the world.


Introduction to the Knowledge base of Futures Studies: Overview - Part 2
Hear Richard Slaughter on the development and evolution of the Knowledge Base of Futures Studies and how it helps to underpin a number of post-grad foresight programs around the world.


Scenario Planning For Africa
Scenario Planning For Africa


Scenario Planning with Clem Sunter - Part 1
In this episode of Mansfield's Money Sense, Jeremy looks at the relevance of Scenario Planning and the importance it may hold in the financial decisions you make. Joining Jeremy in studio is the market leader on Scenario Planning, Clem Sunter.


Scenario Planning with Clem Sunter - Part 2
In this episode of Mansfield's Money Sense, Jeremy looks at the relevance of Scenario Planning and the importance it.


Introduction to Scenario Planning Video
This animated video can be used to help an audience understand what Scenario Planning is. It complements (and can replace) the Introduction to Scenario Planning PPT.


Scenario Planning and Decision Making by Dr Paul Shoemaker
In this presentation, Dr. Paul Shoemaker talks about the concept of peripheral vision where a person or organization has to keep an eye on the whole environment while focusing on particular assignment or task. It is always crucial to scan the whole picture and ensure to avoid any danger or threat that may appear. You'll also learn what are the important factors to keep in mind while making a strategic decision.


Professor Eli Zelkha "Scenario Based Planning" - Stanford University, School of Engineering
Professor Eli Zelkha, (formerly Founder and Managing Director at Palo Alto Ventures), introduces use of scenario based planning methodologies for strategic planning at Philips. Includes core rationale for development of scenarios on the "Future of Consumer Electronics" and "The Future of TV". Stanford University, School of Engineering


Creating Preferred Futures with Strategic Foresight
Creating Preferred Futures with Strategic Foresight


Strategy 101 - Scenario Planning
It's impossible to predict the future. Scenario Planning helps you to prepare for alternative outcomes. This video takes you through 5 simple steps which enable you to develop a more solid strategy.


Strategic Planning & Scenario Planning
John Canfield is an experienced business executive and coach who has successfully implemented planning, problem solving, creativity, and innovation processes in a wide variety of teams, organizations, industries, and cultures.


Woody Wade: "Scenario Planning" - Thinking Differently about Future Innovation
Mr. Woody Wade, the author of SCENARIO PLANNING: A Field Guide to the Future and a renowned strategic consultant and practitioner of the subject. Using examples based on his vast experiences, Mr. Wade spoke on the process of how to construct possible future scenarios and plan accordingly, with an emphasis on applying the methodology on innovation or innovativeness.


Environmental Scanning: what it is and how to do it
The 2014 version of the ever popular introduction to scanning webinar. Designed for people new to scanning or who'd like to find out more about how to do it.


Futures Wheel
Professor Leon Fuerth discusses the Futures Wheel and its use with Forward Engagement, in a video produced by Olivia Hallihan.


Foresight Futures Scenarios: Developing and Applying a Participative Strategic Planning Tool
Professor Sohail Inayatullah reveals the theory of Causal Layered Analysis, a practice of organisational, social and civilisational change, seeking to transform the present and the future through deconstructing and reconstructing reality at four levels.


Linking Scenario Planning and Decision Making by Dr. Alexandar Van de Putte
Strategic planning is a challenging task during turbulent times and companies need to be prepared for the unexpected. As a result, companies need to navigate uncertain and uncharted waters as they move from planning to implementation, and from investment to returns. Understanding the key factors that shape the global, regional and industry environments through a process of scenario planning, allows companies to address uncertainty in a flexible way and benefit from tremendous opportunities while reducing the impact of uncertainties on company cash flows.


Managing Uncertainty through Scenario Planning
You can be proactive in managing uncertainty -- including both worst-case and best-case scenarios.


Scenario Planning
Explanation of scenario planning in the context of SWOT analysis.


ITP Principal Partner, Jack Jekowski presents the concepts of scenario planning to a public workshop hosted at the University of New Mexico by the Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly in November of 2011.


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ALIA leadership - Tools for Transformation Webinar Series

This series highlights some of the most promising frameworks, tools, and ideas that are being prototyped and refined across the ALIA network. As a contribution to the field of social innovation, we invited thought leaders and practitioners to share their practical wisdom with us—what works, what’s helpful, what they have learned, and the questions that are moving them forward.


Creative Innovation 2012

Leadership and courage for volatile times”


GIBS Foresight Forum 2013

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